Diamondsare a rare occurrence on the surface of the planet because it takes extremely hot and high pressure conditions to create them. Physical and chemical conditions where diamonds form only exist in the mantle, nearly 70 miles down or more. In that environment in the upper mantle, diamonds may be a common mineral! It takes incredible events, nothing that has ever been witnessed in historic times, to bring diamonds to the surface.
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Diamond deposits around the world (that have any economic significance) are associated with volcanic features calleddiatremes. A diatreme is a long, vertical pipe formed when gas-filled magma forces its way through the crust to explosively erupt at the surface.Kimberlite a special kind of intrusive igneous rock associated with some diatremes that sometimes contain diamonds, typical coarse grained an bluish in color.
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Diamond-bearing kimberlite pipes are diatremes that originate in the mantle. |
Credits to Phil Stoffer at geologycafe.Com
Text and figures are used with permission.